Consequences of a DUI in Michigan
Being involved in a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) case can definitely lead you into experiencing grave consequences, both legal and emotional. Considering the increasing number of deaths and injuries related to DUI, a lot of states, most especially Michigan, have decided to pay attention to
this serious matter by levying penalties to offenders. So how can you, as a citizen of Michigan, avoid being convicted into such case? Most probably, the best thing that you can do is to hire a DUI lawyer.
Hiring a DUI lawyer in Michigan should certainly be your first move if you are charged with a Driving Under the Influence offense. However, finding a reliable one is another story since it’s not easy at all to choose which DUI lawyer in Michigan is capable enough to help you with your case.
There three common drunk driving charges that people often commit in Michigan and these are OWI (Operating While Intoxicated with BAC .16 or below), and OWVI (Operating While Visibly Impaired) and OWI – Super Drunk (Operating While Intoxicated with BAC of .17 or above). These three charges
bear significant sanctions. Much more than this is the fact that there are also additional criminal charges involving accused repeat offenders as well as people who are accused of driving under the influence of drugs.
So how can a DUI lawyer in Michigan help you with this case? The answer is very simple. You see, these lawyers specialize in defending people who have been caught driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. This would simply mean that they are experienced in handling such cases and that they
have the proper knowledge of local and national DUI laws. Upon the process of your offense, you and your chosen DUI lawyer in Michigan will have to meet and huddle together for a pre-trial conference. This is the time when your lawyer will advise you whether you should be pleading innocent or guilty. He or she will also be responsible in providing you with options or
in giving you a defense that could possibly alleviate the charges against you. He or she might also advise you to invite a few witnesses who will prove that you were thinking clearly and that you were acting rationally before the arrest occurred. All in all, your DUI lawyer will see to it and assure you that you get the best defense as much as possible. If you are able to find a good one, then lucky you because you just might find those charges of yours dropped once everything has been said and done.
Our society faces different legal issues that we may or may not like. Understanding them may definitely seem to be hard and complex however there are lawyers, like DUI lawyers, who are skilled enough to handle this type of task and you would certainly benefit from having their assistance and service. From this, we cannot deny the fact that their role in our society is even more important since they serve as the voice for others who cannot defend themselves. However, you should always keep in mind that DUI lawyers are not the answer for the legal issues that you’re facing. But they can certainly help you to reduce your charges or much better, even help get those charges against you dropped.

Call (888) 543-8883 or email us
For a free evaluation of your case please contact Attorney Ian Caldwell immediately.
Law Office of
Ian A. Caldwell, P.L.L.C.
1821 W. Maple
Birmingham, Michigan 48009
Phone: (888) 543-8883
Fax: (248) 282-1977