Drunk Driving on the 4th of July
Are you aware how Driving Under the Influence or drunk driving can lead you into a serious offense? Do you know what kind of punishments you’re about to face once it is proven that you are under the influence of an intoxicating substance such as alcohol or drugs while driving? If no, then you are in serious problem, my friend, for you don’t know what you’re getting in to.
Driving Under the Influence or drunk driving may seem to be just a common case to people. However, no matter how common it is, we cannot deny the fact that it has gravely affected our lives to the point that we experience certain accidents, injuries and consequences because of being irresponsible for our actions. Yes, drinking may be fun and it really does give you those adrenalin rushes to do everything and almost anything that you want to do. However, being drunk while driving is another story because this can put you into a grave danger not only legally but also physically and emotionally. Aside from this, once you get arrested for drinking and driving, you will need to hire a DUI lawyer to help you and this might cost you a lot.
Other punishments include fines, court costs, bail, towing and vehicle storage fees, Alcohol Education Program Enrollment, Driver License Reinstatement Fees, Ignition Interlock Program Costs and Higher Insurance Premiums and SR-22 Form. In addition to this, you will also need to show proof that all fines and court costs have been paid to the court for the violation and show proof of completion of alcohol/drug program if it’s your 2nd offense. On the other hand, the primary factors that determine this offense includes the vehicle which was being driven, whether he/she was on the road, any signs of intoxication, the smell of alcohol onto the driver, watery or bloodshot eyes, unsteadiness and slurred and slow speech.
To impede the increasing number of deaths and injuries related to DUI and avoid the substantial fines, vehicle impounds and possible jail time associated with a DUI arrest, Law enforcement has found a way to crack down drunken driving. This is in preparation for what is often called as one of the deadliest holidays of the year which is the Fourth of July.
According to the National Traffic and Highway Administration, the July 4th holiday ranks No. 1 nationally for alcohol-related fatal crashes. An average of 51% of all deadly traffic accidents during July 4th weekends are alcohol-related and the other 49% result from distracted driving and drug influence. As a result, expect law enforcement to be on high alert during this time and don’t get surprised if officers will increase patrols and conduct sobriety checkpoints. They just want to keep you safe and free from any accidents.
During this time, DUI checkpoints are set up to monitor drivers for any injury or accident that might occur, and locations of the sites are determined according to high instance of drinking and driving in the area. Checkpoints will be clearly marked with signs and lights to notify motorists. Even though it is not required for all counties to disclose the location of DUI checkpoints ahead of time, a lot of counties do contact radio stations and local news channels so that the general public may be able to tune in for more information.
So you see? Drinking and driving is something that you shouldn’t do at the same time because this can put you into a serious offense. Yes, you have your own car and you have the right to do whatever you want with it but one thing that you should always remember is to be responsible with your action. Think twice or else you’ll end up spending your holidays in prison.

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For a free evaluation of your case please contact Attorney Ian Caldwell immediately.
Law Office of
Ian A. Caldwell, P.L.L.C.
1821 W. Maple
Birmingham, Michigan 48009
Phone: (888) 543-8883
Fax: (248) 282-1977