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Ian Caldwell Defense Attorney

Law Office of Ian A. Caldwell, P.L.L.C.

Criminal Defense Attorney

Is my CCW License affected by a DUI conviction in Michigan?

As a Michigan DUI Attorney, I have run across many cases where a person with a valid CCW (Carrying Concealed Weapon) License is arrested for drunk driving.  If the CCW License holder also has the registered gun in his possession at the time of the drunk driving arrest, then the person is generally charged with an additional misdemeanor.  This additional charge is known as “Carrying Under the Influence.”

This misdemeanor charge of “CCW Under the Influence” is a separate charge in itself and carries with it certain CCW License sanctions depending on the BAC (Bodily Alcohol Content) level of the person at the time of the drunk driving arrest.   
However, the more interesting question becomes “What if the CCW License holder is convicted of OWI/OWVI but was not in possession of any gun at the time of the arrest?” Unfortunately for the CCW Licensee, he or she will have the CCW License suspended regardless if the gun was in that person’s possession at the time of the drunk driving incident.

Even for a First Offense OWI/OWVI/Drunk Driving conviction, the CCW License is suspended for three years.  After the three years of the suspension have run, the person may be eligible to have the CCW License re-instated.
If a person is convicted of a Drunk Driving Offense which is considered a Felony (i.e. 3rd Offense OWI, OWI Causing Serious Injury, etc.) then the CCW License is forever revoked and suspended.  In Michigan, once a person has a felony conviction on his or her record, then he or she becomes ineligible to obtain a valid CCW License.

Please note that the above applies to Michigan only and is only a brief overview.  If you are facing a situation similar to this topic, be sure to contact an attorney to fully apply the law to your specific case.  If you live in another state and have concerns regarding the discussed issues, then you should contact an attorney in your home state.

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Law Office of
Ian A. Caldwell, P.L.L.C.

1821 W. Maple
Birmingham, Michigan 48009
Phone: (888) 543-8883
Fax: (248) 282-1977

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