A Misdemeanor is typically defined as a criminal offense which carries a penalty of less than a year in jail. If you are currently facing Misdemeanor charges in a District Court, please do not hesitate to contact the Office. Some of the most common Misdemeanor offenses include:
- Operating While Intoxicated (OWI)
- Open Intoxicant in Vehicle
- Driving While License Suspended (DWLS)
- Reckless Driving
- Leaving the Scene of an Accident
- Drug Possession
- Paraphernalia Possession
- Retail Fraud
- Larceny
- Embezzlement
- Domestic Violence
- Assault and Battery
- Minor in Possession (MIP)
- Disturbing the Peace
- Disorderly House – Noise
- Disorderly Host
- Improper License Plates
- Disobey Police Officer Signal
- Obstructing, Resisting, Opposing an Officer Arrest or Search
- Malicious Destruction of Property
- False ID to Police
- Trespassing
“Ian, again I just wanted to say ‘Thank you’ for all you did for me. Not just for representing me, but for getting the charges lowered to civil infraction. I can’t tell you how much I greatly appreciate everything now that I’ll still be able to get a job and what not. You won’t be seeing me in the court scene again. Thanks again.”
Client found NOT GUILTY of Reckless Driving by Jury!
People v. Client, 1st District Court (Monroe, Michigan)
Client was arrested while doing some work related errands. The allegations were that she was driving in a very reckless manner. She was accused of driving 70 mph in a 25 mph zone. She was also accused of running another vehicle off of the road and driving extremely fast in a busy parking lot. She was charged with Reckless driving, which is a criminal offense. The case eventually went to jury trial and after the trial, the jury came back with a verdict of Not Guilty!
Client found NOT GUILTY of Assault and Battery by Jury!
People v. Client, 23rd District Court (Taylor, Michigan)
Client was arrested after it was alleged that he had assaulted someone. Client was accused of punching the alleged victim several times in the face and head area, along with ripping the alleged victims shirts and destroying an expensive pair of glasses. The Client pled not guilty to the charges and fought the case. The case eventually went to jury trial and after the trial, the jury came back with a verdict of Not Guilty!
Client found NOT GUILTY of Assault and Battery and Malicious Destruction of Property by Jury!
People v. Client, 36th District Court (Detroit, Michigan)
Client and her neighbor were involved in several altercations together over a several month period of time. Eventually, the neighbor accused client of assaulting her, damaging some of her property, and continuing assaults with a weapon. Client was charged with Assault and Battery as well as Malicious Destruction of Property. Client plead not guilty on all charges and requested a jury trial. After a two day jury trial, the jury returned verdicts of Not Guilty on all counts!
Result: NOT GUILTY of all charges!
All Drug Charges Dismissed!
People v. Client
Client was stopped by the police while in sitting in his car in a store parking lot. When the officers searched the car, they discovered drug paraphernalia and ended up arresting Client. Client was then charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and we had to go to court. During court negotiations, the prosecutor agreed to dismiss all charges against Client!
Result: All Charges DISMISSED!
Assault and Battery – All Charges Dismissed!
People v. Client
Client was involved in a physical altercation at his place of employment. He was accused of assaulting, striking, and throwing a co-worker to the ground. He was also accused of continuing to hit and hold the co-worker down after he was on the ground. He was arrested and charged with Assault and Battery. Client pled not guilty and we disputed the charges. After a couple of court appearances, we were able to have all charges completely dismissed. Client had a clean record and as a result of the dismissal, he was able to keep his clean record intact!
Result: All charges dismissed and client’s record remained clear!
Resisting and Obstructing Officer – All Charges Dismissed!
People v. Client
The police were called to Client’s home for an alleged domestic dispute. When the police arrived, they began conducting an investigation. During this investigation, they alleged that Client was not cooperating with them. They also alleged that Client was resisting and disobeying verbal commands. Client was eventually handcuffed, arrested, and charged with R/O Interfering with an Officer. After a couple of court appearances, we were able to have all charges dismissed!
Result: All charges dismissed!
Domestic Violence – All Charges Dismissed!
People v. Client
Client’s ex-girlfriend accused of him of hitting her during and argument. She called the police and the police showed up. The police arrested Client and charged him with domestic violence. Client pled not guilty and he completely disputed the charges. After a couple of court appearances, we were able to have all of the charges completely dropped!
Result: All charges dismissed!
Disorderly Person Misdemeanor Charge reduced to Civil Infraction!
People v. Client
Client was at a night club when the police were called for a disturbance. When the police arrived, they arrested Client for a Disorderly Person which is misdemeanor offense that carries jail time and goes on a person’s criminal record.
During Pre-Trial negotiations, the prosecutor agreed to dismiss all criminal charges and change it to a Civil Infraction where the client would just have to pay a fine. As a result, no probation and most importantly, the client kept his criminal record clean.
Result: Plea to Civil Infraction!

Call (888) 543-8883 or email us
For a free evaluation of your case please contact Attorney Ian Caldwell immediately.
Law Office of Ian A. Caldwell, P.L.L.C.
1821 W. Maple Birmingham, Michigan 48009 Phone: (888) 543-8883 Fax: (248) 282-1977