Testimonials and Success Stories
“We have retained attorneys over the years for a variety of reasons. Never have we had a case in the hands of such a professional, caring, and competent attorney. Ian went above and beyond to serve us, all the while treating us with dignity. He ALWAYS kept his word. In all interactions Ian had knowledge of our case and of the law, always displaying integrity, even when those about us did not. We feel blessed to have him as our attorney.”
Client found NOT GUILTY of OWI by Jury!
People v. Client, 6th Circuit Court (Oakland County, Michigan)
Client was stopped by the police because he had allegedly changed traffic lanes without signaling on multiple occasions. After the officer stopped him, the officer stated that he smelled a strong odor of intoxicants and that Client admitted to drinking alcohol. The officer then had Client perform several roadside tasks such as reciting the alphabet, counting, standing on one leg, walking a line, and the finger to touch the tip of the nose exercise. After Client performed the tasks, the officer arrested Client for OWI and took him to the police station. While at the police station, Client agreed to take a breathalyzer test and results of .16 were obtained.
The case eventually proceeded to jury trial and at the end of trial, the jury returned a verdict of NOT GUILTY of all OWI charges!
Client found NOT GUILTY of Drug Possession by Jury!
People v. Client, 6th Circuit Court (Pontiac, Michigan)
Client was accused of being in possession of controlled substances under 25 grams. He was captured on surveillance video and the video showed Client holding his backpack and the controlled substance falling directly out of his backpack. Client was interrogated by police regarding the incident and later charged with the felony offense of drug possession. Client pled Not Guilty to the charges and demanded a trial by jury.
The case proceeded to jury trial and the jury found him NOT GUILTY!
Client found NOT GUILTY of OWI by Jury!
People v. Client, 48th District Court (Bloomfield Hills, Michigan)
Client was stopped by the police because he was accused of tapping on his brakes several times and weaving between lanes. After the officer made the traffic stop, he said that the driver had glassy eyes, bloodshot eyes, and a strong odor of intoxicants coming from his breath. The driver also admitted to and consuming alcohol. The officer then administered multiple field sobriety tests and ended up arresting the driver for OWI. The driver was then taken to the police station and blew a .13 on the breathalyzer.
The case eventually proceeded to jury trial and at the end of trial, the jury returned a verdict of NOT GUILTY!
Client found NOT GUILTY of OWI by Jury!
People v. Client, 36th District Court (Detroit, Michigan)
Client was stopped by the police for running a stop signal, swerving all over the road and running into the curb. After the officer made the traffic stop, he said that the driver had bloodshot eyes and a strong odor of intoxicants coming from his person. The officer also administered multiple field sobriety tasks and testified that he failed all of them. The case eventually proceeded to jury trial and at the end of trial, the jury returned a verdict.
Client found NOT GUILTY of OWI by Jury!
People v. Client, 42nd District Court (Romeo, Michigan)
Client was found by the police passed out sleeping the driver’s seat of his car. The keys were in the ignition and the car was running. According to the officer, the client was highly intoxicated and smelled very strongly of alcohol. The client was arrested and taken to the police station and later submitted to further breath testing. He was given a Datamaster breath test and results of .16 and .15 were obtained. This case also ultimately proceeded to trial and the jury reached a verdict of Not Guilty!
Client found NOT GUILTY of OWI by Jury!
People v. Client, 39th District Court (Roseville, Michigan)
Client was arrested after leaving a friend’s house where he had been drinking. He was stopped on his way home by the police for driving a “suspicious vehicle” and failing to use a turn signal. After the traffic stop, he was given field sobriety tasks and according to the arresting officer, the client failed the tasks. He was later given a Datamaster breath test at the police station and results of .10 were obtained. However, during the administration of the breath test, the officer encountered some problems. The case eventually went to jury trial and after the trial, the jury came back with a verdict of Not Guilty!
Client found NOT GUILTY of Committing Civil Infraction Causing Injury by Jury!
People v. Client, 33rd District Court (Woodhaven, Michigan)
Client was driving a dump truck and towing a flat bed trailer. As he was driving, he was going to make a left hand turn into a parking lot. Client slowed down, put his turn signal on, and began making the left hand turn. Prior to making the turn, there were multiple cars in the same traffic lane following behind Client. As he was making the left hand turn, there was also a motorcycle rider who was in the process of trying to pass multiple cars at the same time. After passing two cars, the motorcycle rider was unable to stop or avoid from running into Client’s truck/trailer while Client was making the left hand turn. Unfortunately, the motorcycle rider was badly injured. The motorcycle rider accused Client of Failing to Signal when making the turn. There was a police investigation and Client was originally arrested for OWI/OUID when there were NO drugs or alcohol involved. Even though there were no alcohol or drugs involved, he was still originally arrested for OWI/OUID. He was never actually charged with any OWI offenses but was later charged with Committing a Civil Infraction Causing Serious Injury. Client pled Not Guilty throughout all proceedings and strongly disputed the allegations and charges against him. The case proceeded to jury trial and after the trial, the jury came back with a verdict of Not Guilty!
OWI charges reduced to Careless Driving during trial!
People v. Client
Client was stopped by the police for spinning and squealing his tires in a parking lot off of a busy road. After the police stopped the client, they had him get out of the vehicle. After getting out of the vehicle, the officer stated that he smelled alcohol and that the client admitted to drinking a couple of beers. The officer then conducted field sobriety tests which included the One-Leg Stand, Walk the Line, and Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (Eye Test). After performing poorly these tests, the client was arrested for OWI and taken to the police station for a breath test. While at the police station the client blew a .08 on the breath machine.
Client pled not guilty to the charges and eventually proceeded to jury trial. After the jury was picked and seated in the courtroom, the prosecutor decided to dismiss the OWI charges and reduce the charges to the civil infraction of a “Careless Driving”.
Result: Plea to Careless Driving!
Client found NOT GUILTY of Reckless Driving by Jury!
People v. Client, 19th District Court (Dearborn, Michigan)
Client was accused of riding a motorcycle in a reckless manner. He was accused of speeding, doing “wheelies”, and disregarding stop signs. After being pulled over by the officers, he was charged with Reckless Driving.
Client pled not guilty to the charges and eventually proceeded to jury trial. After the jury trial, the jurors returned a verdict of NOT GUILTY!
Disorderly Person Misdemeanor Charge reduced to Civil Infraction!
People v. Client
Client was at a night club when the police were called for a disturbance. When the police arrived, they arrested Client for a Disorderly Person which is misdemeanor offense that carries jail time and goes on a person’s criminal record.
During Pre-Trial negotiations, the prosecutor agreed to dismiss all criminal charges and change it to a Civil Infraction where the client would just have to pay a fine. As a result, no probation and most importantly, the client kept his criminal record clean.
Result: Plea to Civil Infraction!
Felony Fleeing and Eluding reduced to Misdemeanor!
People v. Client
Client was arrested by police after crashing his vehicle into a telephone pole. The allegations were that the client was under the influence and that he was driving away from the police when they tried to pull him over. Client was arrested and taken into police custody. After a blood draw, the Client’s blood came back over the legal limit. Client was eventually charged with OWI and Felony Fleeing and Eluding. After extensive work and negotiations, we were able to have the felony charges reduced to a misdemeanor so the client could save his job.
Result: Felony Charges Reduced to Misdemeanor!
OWI charges reduced to Disorderly Person!
People v. Client
Client was stopped by the police because he made a complete stop at a blinking yellow light and was speeding. According to the officer, the driver had a strong odor of intoxicants as well as bloodshot and watery eyes. The client also admitted to drinking six beers earlier that night. The officer then conducted field sobriety tests which included the One-Leg Stand, Walk the Line, and Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (Eye Test). The officer stated that the client failed all of the tests and that he couldn’t maintain his balance. The client also took a breath test and blew a .09.
Client pled not guilty to the original charges and during Pre-Trial negotiations a reduced plea was worked out. Eventually, the prosecutor decided to dismiss the OWI charges and reduce the charges to the “non-driving” and “non-alcohol” offense of a “Disorderly Person”. Client also had a CDL license and as a result of the reduced plea, the client was able to save his job.
Result: Plea to Disorderly Person!
OWI charges reduced to Disorderly Person!
People v. Client
Client was driving a vehicle at a slow speed in a somewhat secluded neighborhood. A passenger had fallen off of the vehicle while it was moving and she required medical attention. The police eventually arrived and began investigating Client for OWI. According to the police report, Client had watery eyes, the odor of intoxicants, had admitted to drinking, and blew a .13 on a breath test. He was arrested and charged with OWI.
Client pled not guilty to the OWI charges and during Pre-Trial negotiations a reduced plea was worked out. All of the OWI charges were dismissed and the Client agreed to plea to a “Disorderly Person”.
Result: Plea reduced to Disorderly Person!
OWI Second Offense charges reduced to Disorderly Person and Careless!
People v. Client
Client’s vehicle was stopped at a red light and client had fallen asleep. The police woke the client up and and asked him if he had been drinking. He admitted to drinking so the police gave him field sobriety tests. According to the Officer’s report, client did not pass the field sobriety tests and there was a PBT result of .12. Client was arrested and charged with OWI Second Offense. After extensive discovery review and plea negotiations, we were able to work out a substantially reduced plea. All of the OWI charges were dismissed and the Client agreed to plead to a “Disorderly Person” and a “Careless Driving”.
Result: Plea reduced to Disorderly and Careless!
All Marijuana and Drug Charges Dismissed!
People v. Client
Client was a passenger in a car that was pulled over by the police. The officers stated that they smelled a strong odor of marijuana coming from the car after they approached it. After searching the car, the officers found marijuana and marijuana paraphernalia. Client was arrested and charged with marijuana possession and possession of paraphernalia. This was the client’s first time ever being arrested or being in any type of legal trouble. During the court proceedings, all misdemeanor and drug related charges were dismissed! There was a reduced plea to a civil infraction which meant no criminal convictions of any kind and no probation. Most importantly, the client was able to keep her clean record intact!
Result: All misdemeanor drug charges dismissed and client’s record remained clear!
Assault and Battery – All Charges Dismissed!
People v. Client
Client was involved in a physical altercation at his place of employment. He was accused of assaulting, striking, and throwing a co-worker to the ground. He was also accused of continuing to hit and hold the co-worker down after he was on the ground. He was arrested and charged with Assault and Battery. Client pled not guilty and we disputed the charges. After a couple of court appearances, we were able to have all charges completely dismissed. Client had a clean record and as a result of the dismissal, he was able to keep his clean record intact!
Result: All charges dismissed and client’s record remained clear!
OWI Super Drunk charges reduced to Reckless Driving!
People v. Client
The police were called to an accident scene and discovered Client’s car in the ditch with the Client nearby. Witnesses stated that they saw Client in the driver’s seat of the car and that they found the car in the ditch. The officers then had client perform several sobriety tests such as the eye test, one-leg stand and walk and turn. The officers stated that she performed very poorly and she appeared to be highly intoxicated. A blood test was later taken and the results were a .25. During Pre-Trial proceedings and negotiations, there was an agreement to reduce the charges to a Reckless Driving.
Result: OWI Super Drunk charges reduced to Reckless Driving!
OWI and OUID charges Dismissed!
People v. Client
Client was initially pulled over for driving without headlights on. According to the officer, when he asked her for her driver’s license and vehicle information, my client fumbled through her paperwork, had slow dexterity and was having trouble completing a simple task. The officer also said there was an odor of intoxicants and that my client admitted to drinking two beers. He then had her get out of the car for sobriety tests. The officer gave her the HGN eye test, one-leg stand test, and the walk the line test. The officer stated that she failed all three tests, that she had problems with her balance, and couldn’t follow directions. She was then arrested and taken for a blood test. The blood results came back with a combination of both Xanax and alcohol. She was charged with OWI/Operating Under the Influence of Drugs. When the case finally went to court, we were able to find problems with the blood work in the case. At a Pre-Trial hearing, the prosecutor DISMISSED all OWI/OUID Driving charges.
Result: Dismissal!
OWI Second Offense Dismissed at Trial!
People v. Client
Client was stopped by the police for going 100 mph on the freeway. The officer pulled the client over who smelled of intoxicants and admitted to drinking beer. The officer said that the client (who was under 21) failed the One-Leg Stand test and blew over the legal limit on the PBT. The client was then taken to the hospital for a blood draw and these results were also over the legal limit. Because the client had a prior DUI conviction, he was charged with a Second Offense. During the case investigation, we were able to discover some issues with the case so the case was set for a jury trial. At trial, there were flaws with the case so the prosecutor dismissed all charges!
Result: All Charges Dismissed!
All Drug Charges Dismissed!
People v. Client
Client was stopped by the police while in sitting in his car in a store parking lot. When the officers searched the car, they discovered drug paraphernalia and ended up arresting Client. Client was then charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and we had to go to court. During court negotiations, the prosecutor agreed to dismiss all charges against Client!
Result: All charges dismissed!
OWI charges reduced to Reckless Driving!
People v. Client
Client was stopped by the police for running a red light and a stop sign. After being pulled over, the officer said he noticed she had slurred speech, glossy eyes, and admitted to drinking wine. He then had her do the alphabet test, finger counting dexterity test and the walk the line test. He said that she failed all of the balance tests so he gave her a breath test. The breath result was a .20 and the client was charged with OWI. During Pre-Trial negotiations, we discovered some problems with the prosecutor’s evidence. As a result, the prosecutor was forced to reduce the OWI charges to a NON-ALCOHOL charge of Reckless Driving.
Result: OWI All Charges Dismissed!
OWI charges reduced to Disorderly Person!
People v. Client
Client was stopped by the police after someone called 911 for a driver who appeared to be intoxicated. After locating the vehicle described by caller, the arresting officer observed the Client sitting at a red light in the vehicle. Client did not proceed through the light when the light turned green. As a result, the officer made a traffic stop. The officer stated that he believed the driver was under the influence and failed all sobriety tests. A blood test was conducted and the tests came back positive for controlled substances. Client was charged with OWI-OUID or “Operating Under the Influence of Drugs”. During pre-trial negotiations, we were able to work out a plea deal that was NON-ALCOHOL and NON-DRIVING related.
Result: OWI Dismissed and a Plea to Disorderly Person so client could save her job!
OWI charges reduced to Reckless Driving!
People v. Client
Client was stopped by the police at 4:00 am after the officer noticed an alleged traffic violation. After making the traffic stop, the officer said that there was an odor of alcohol and that the driver appeared to be intoxicated. The officer also stated that the client failed all of the roadside field sobriety tests such as the one-leg stand and walk and turn. Client was arrested by the officer and later submitted to a breath test at the police station. The results of the breath test were a .08. After reviewing the case and discussing all of the important issues with the prosecutor, the prosecutor agreed to reduce the charges to a Reckless Driving!
Result: OWI Dismissed and a Plea to NON-ALCOHOL Reckless Driving!
Client found NOT GUILTY of Assault and Battery and Malicious Destruction of Property by Jury!
People v. Client, 36th District Court (Detroit, Michigan)
Client and her neighbor were involved in several altercations together over a several month period of time. Eventually, the neighbor accused client of assaulting her, damaging some of her property, and continuing assaults with a weapon. Client was charged with Assault and Battery as well as Malicious Destruction of Property. Client plead not guilty on all charges and requested a jury trial. After a two day jury trial, the jury returned verdicts of Not Guilty on all counts!
Result: NOT GUILTY of all charges!
All OWI and OUID charges DISMISSED!
People v. Client, 29th District Court (Wayne, Michigan)
Client was stopped by the police for failing to use a turn signal. After the officer approached the client, he noticed the strong odor of alcohol and an odor of marijuana. The client admitted to drinking beer and smoking “half of a joint” to the officer. After administering field sobriety tests, the officer arrested the client. During pre-trial negotiations, the arresting department did not provide certain evidence which was necessary to examine in order to properly prepare for trial.
Resisting and Obstructing Officer – All Charges Dismissed!
People v. Client
The police were called to Client’s home for an alleged domestic dispute. When the police arrived, they began conducting an investigation. During this investigation, they alleged that Client was not cooperating with them. They also alleged that Client was resisting and disobeying verbal commands. Client was eventually handcuffed, arrested, and charged with R/O Interfering with an Officer. After a couple of court appearances, we were able to have all charges dismissed!
Result: All charges dismissed!
OWI charges reduced to Reckless Driving!
People v. Client
Client was stopped for squealing his tires, speeding 15 mph over, and weaving from lane to lane. The officers said that the Client had blood shot eyes and that there was a strong odor of intoxicants. After admitting to the officers he had drank mixed drinks, the police gave him some sobriety tests. The police administered an alphabet test, a counting test, and the standing on one-leg test. The officers said that the client failed all of these tests. On the day of jury trial, however, the prosecutor agreed to reduce the charges to Reckless Driving!
Result: Reduction to Reckless Driving!
OWI 2nd Offense Dismissed at Trial!
People v. Client
Client was arrested for OWI 2nd Offense. He was stopped by the police for driving without headlights at night. After being stopped by the police, the officer stated that he observed bloodshot, watery and sleepy eyes. The officer also said that he smelled the odor of alcohol and that the client admitted to drinking beer. The officer then had the client perform a counting test, the walk the line test, the one leg stand test, and the eye test (HGN). After performing poorly on these tests, the officer had the client take a preliminary breath test and the client blew a .10. After being arrested, the client was then taken to the hospital for a blood test. The blood test results came back at a .08 and the client pled Not Guilty. The case went to jury trial and on the day of trial, defense counsel was able to point to substantial flaws with the prosecutor’s case.
OWI charges reduced to Careless Driving!
People v. Client
Client was stopped by police for going 56 in a 45 mph zone. During the traffic stop, the officer smelled alcohol and said that my Client’s eyes were bloodshot and glassy. Client admitted to the officer that he had a couple of drinks at the bar so the officer administered a couple of field sobriety tasks. After the field tasks, Client was arrested Operating While Intoxicated and taken to the police station. While at the police station, a breathalyzer test was given and my Client blew a .08. Prior to trial, the prosecutor agreed to reduce the OWI charge to a Careless Driving!
Result: Reduction to Careless Driving!
OWI Minor BAC reduced to MIP!
People v. Client
Client, who was under 21, was found by the police passed out in his car in a public street. The car was running and the keys were in the ignition. The officers noted that someone had “gotten sick” on the ground next to the driver’s side door. The officers gave the client field sobriety tests and they said that he had failed them. A breath test was later given at the police station and the results were .06. Because the client was a Minor, he was charged with OWI – Zero Tolerance Unlawful BAC. After reviewing the case, we discovered some issues with the evidence and filed a motion to dismiss the charges. Before the motion hearing in court, the prosecutor agreed to dismiss all OWI driving charges and reduce it to an MIP (Minor in Possession/Consumption of Alcohol).
Result: OWI Drunk Driving charges reduced to MIP!
MIP charge completely dismissed!
People v. Client
Client was 17 years old at the time if the incident and was found by the police acting highly intoxicated on a public street. She submitted to a PBT and the results were .16. Because the client was a Minor, she was charged with Minor In Possession and/or Consumption of Alcohol. During the Court Proceedings, we were able to arrange the case so that all charges would be dismissed at the Pre-Trial Conference. As a result, there was no conviction or plea of any kind and the charge was completely dismissed!
Result: MIP charges completely Dismissed!
Client found NOT GUILTY by Jury!
People v. Client, 1st District Court (Monroe, Michigan)
Client was arrested by the Sheriff’s Department for Receiving and Concealing Stolen Property. If convicted, client was facing jail time and thousands of dollars in fines. Client pled Not Guilty to the charges and exercised his right to a jury trial. The case eventually proceeded to jury trial and at the end of trial, the jury returned a verdict of NOT GUILTY!
Client found NOT GUILTY of Reckless Driving by Jury!
People v. Client, 1st District Court (Monroe, Michigan)
Client was arrested while doing some work related errands. The allegations were that she was driving in a very reckless manner. She was accused of driving 70 mph in a 25 mph zone. She was also accused of running another vehicle off of the road and driving extremely fast in a busy parking lot. She was charged with Reckless driving, which is a criminal offense. The case eventually went to jury trial and after the trial, the jury came back with a verdict of Not Guilty!
Client found NOT GUILTY of Assault and Battery by Jury!
People v. Client, 23rd District Court (Taylor, Michigan)
Client was arrested after it was alleged that he had assaulted someone. Client was accused of punching the alleged victim several times in the face and head area, along with ripping the alleged victims shirts and destroying an expensive pair of glasses. The Client pled not guilty to the charges and fought the case. The case eventually went to jury trial and after the trial, the jury came back with a verdict of Not Guilty!
Domestic Violence – All Charges Dismissed!
People v. Client
Client’s ex-girlfriend accused of him of hitting her during and argument. She called the police and the police showed up. The police arrested Client and charged him with domestic violence. Client pled not guilty and he completely disputed the charges. After a couple of court appearances, we were able to have all of the charges completely dropped!
Result: All charges dismissed!
Client keeps Felony off of record to save job!
People v. Client
Client was employed with a large corporation. While he was working for the company, he essentially took thousands of dollars from the company and put the money to personal use. The felony charges were actually filed quite some time after the incidents occurred so the client was working for different company when the case went to court. If the client was convicted of the felony charge, he could have faced up to 5 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. More importantly, if he was convicted, he would have lost his new job. After numerous negotiations with the prosecution, the prosecution agreed to reduce the felony charge to a misdemeanor.
Result: Client kept Felony conviction off of his record to save his job!
All OWI charges DISMISSED!
People v. Client
“I was arrested for Operating While Intoxicated and blew a .18 on the breath machine. This was the first time I had ever been arrested in my life and I didn’t know who to talk to. I was referred to use Mr. Caldwell as my attorney by a friend of mine. I’m so glad my friend referred me to him. Mr. Caldwell was very helpful and knew the court process inside-out. He explained what to expect from the start and all of the possibilities with my case. Because of Mr. Caldwell’s hard work, all of my charges were completely dismissed. Thank you so much Ian!”
“Ian has provided me with excellent counsel. He is honest and straightforward with his knowledge. He has represented me very well. His communication skills and guidance put the client at ease. I greatly appreciate his representation and I would recommend his services to anyone.”
“I retained Mr. Caldwell after speaking with him on the phone, and then in person. I had spoken and met with other lawyers regarding my license restoration case and Mr. Caldwell was the best fit for me. He was very informative and courteous throughout the whole process. And he also demonstrated a great deal of working knowledge about the whole process in dealing with the DAAD board. This was my second offense within 4 years and I wanted to be very careful in choosing the right lawyer. After my positive outcome I have only great things to say about my whole experience.”
“Ian Caldwell was upfront, knowledgeable & honest with me in handling my case. I wouldn’t hesitate to call on Ian again and I would highly recommend him to anyone needing his services. I felt the outcome of my case would be successful based on Ian’s guidance & knowledge. Ian was very personable and professional to work with.”
“Ian Caldwell was upfront, knowledgeable & honest with me in handling my case. I wouldn’t hesitate to call on Ian again and I would highly recommend him to anyone needing his services. I felt the outcome of my case would be successful based on Ian’s guidance & knowledge. Ian was very personable and professional to work with.”
“Ian was very fair and honest. I felt throughout the process of representing me as my lawyer that he gave my case 110%. He was very dedicated to try and make sure that I ended up with a fair decision from the judge. I felt he was on my team up until the end. I would highly recommend Ian to anyone seeking counsel. I am very appreciative, pleased, and happy with his services!
Thanks Ian!”
Client Gets License Back After 13 Years!
Client v. Secretary of State
“My license was suspended/revoked 13 years ago. I’m very pleased that Mr. Ian Caldwell was recommended to me to work with. After his hard efforts and knowledge in the law of driver’s license restoration I now have my license back. Since the first day I talked to Mr. Caldwell he has been nothing but prompt and professional. After working with different lawyers over the years that is something that I’m not use to. He is always consistent in returning calls promptly and staying in touch to ensure that everything is getting done the correct way. I appreciate Mr. Caldwell’s heart and determination in the restoration of my driver’s license and would recommend him to anyone in a similar unfortunate situation.”
Thank You
People v. Client
“Again just wanted to say ‘Thank you’ for all you did for me. Not just for representing me, but for getting the charges lowered to civil infraction. I can’t tell you how much I greatly appreciate everything now that I’ll still be able to get a job and what not. You won’t be seeing me in the court scene again. Thanks again!”

Call (888) 543-8883 or email us
For a free evaluation of your case please contact Attorney Ian Caldwell immediately.
Law Office of Ian A. Caldwell, P.L.L.C.
1821 W. Maple Birmingham, Michigan 48009 Phone: (888) 543-8883 Fax: (248) 282-1977